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Roger Federer | english edition

Phenomenon. Enthusiast. Philanthropist
eBookEPUBElectronic Book
Verkaufsrang8808inBiographies (eBook)


Roger Federer is the global star who emerged from our very midst. Mad about ball sports from a young age, his playfulness and passion pushed him further and further - and on to dizzying heights. His sporting exploits are well-known, but who is the man behind them? For the last twenty years, Zurich-based journalist Simon Graf has followed Federer's triumphant journey through the great tennis arenas of the world for the Swiss press. Here, he answers the key questions: how did a hot-tempered teenager become a Zen master on the courts? What part did his parents and his wife Mirka have to play? How did he maintain his joy for all these years? Why does he owe eternal thanks to his rival, Rafael Nadal? Why did he stay so normal? And what can we learn from him?Over the years, the author held countless interviews with Federer and people from his family and sporting life and now shows him from all of his many sides - as a hot-headed teenager, a tennis genius, son, husband and father, an inspiration, strategist, manager of his own talent, victor and loser, businessman, exceptional athlete, philanthropist and more. The Federer phenomenon is captured over fifteen thematically arranged chapters. And there's no shortage of anecdotes: the book is as entertaining as Federer's game.
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Weitere ISBN/GTIN9783907126240
EinbandElectronic Book
Format HinweisWasserzeichen
AuflageK&B english edition
Dateigrösse1893 Kbytes
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Kritiken und Kommentare

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An interesting insight into the life of someone struggeling with depression and anxiety. A very personal & eye-opening book.
An interesting insight into the life of someone struggeling with depression and anxiety. A very personal & eye-opening book.
Ariel's writing captured me immediately. She goes deep; with no excuses and great honesty she takes us on her very own journey of life.
She made me think, cry and laugh. A wonderful book!
Ariel's writing captured me immediately. She goes deep; with no excuses and great honesty she takes us on her very own journey of life.
She made me think, cry and laugh. A wonderful book!
Ich freue mich schon auf die deutschsprachige Übersetzung.

Über die Autorin/den Autor

As a journalist for the "Tagesanzeiger" and "SonntagsZeitung", Simon Graf (born 1971) accompanied Roger Federer around the world. The historian and German philologist has two daughters and lives with his family in Kilchberg by Lake Zurich.

Over the years, the author has held countless interviews with Federer and people from his family and sporting life and now shows him from all of his many sides - as a hot-headed teenager, a tennis genius, son, husband and father, an inspiration, strategist, manager of his own talent, victor and loser, businessman, philanthropist and more. And there's no shortage of anecdotes: the book is as entertaining as Federer's game.


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