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Property in East Central Europe

Property in East Central Europe

Notions, Institutions, and Practices of Landownership in the Twentieth Century
eBookPDFDRM AdobeElectronic Book
Verkaufsrang19533inHistory (eBook)


Property is a complex phenomenon comprising cultural, social, and legal rules. During the twentieth century, property rights in land suffered massive interference in Central and Eastern Europe. The promise of universal and formally equal rights of land ownership, ensuring predictability of social processes and individual autonomy, was largely not fulfilled. The national appropriation of property in the interwar period and the communist era represent an onerous legacy for the postcommunist (re)construction of a liberal-individualist property regime. However, as the scholars in this collection show, after the demise of communism in Eastern Europe property is again a major factor in shaping individual identity and in providing the political order and culture with a foundational institution. This volume analyzes both historical and contemporary forms of land ownership in Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia in a multidisciplinary framework including economic history, legal and political studies, and social anthropology.
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Weitere ISBN/GTIN9781782384625
EinbandElectronic Book
Format HinweisDRM Adobe
Seiten344 Seiten
Dateigrösse935 Kbytes
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Very interesting without ever getting boring. This is a feminist take on the cruel history of the witch trials from medieval times through the 15. and 16. century until, sadly. today.
Very interesting without ever getting boring. This is a feminist take on the cruel history of the witch trials from medieval times through the 15. and 16. century until, sadly. today.

Über die Autorin/den Autor

Dietmar Müller has conducted and coordinated research projects on land ownership and legal culture in East Central Europe at the University of Leipzig and at the Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe at the same university. In 2012/13 he was Fellow at the Imre Kertész Kolleg in Jena. Among his property-related publications are the co-edited volume Transforming Rural Societies (with Angela Harre, StudienVerlag 2010) and Institutionen und Kultur in Südosteuropa (with Wim van Meurs, Otto Sagner 2013).


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