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Your Inner Fish

Your Inner Fish

The amazing discovery of our 375-million-year-old ancestor
Verkaufsrang961inHealth & Body


Tells the story of how one creature's journey out of the water made the human body what it is today - and one man's voyage of discovery in search of our origins. This book reveals the secrets of our biology: why if we want to understand our limbs we should take a close look at Tiktaalik, the first fish capable of doing a push-up.
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FormatB-Format Paperback (UK)
Seiten256 Seiten
MasseBreite 129 mm, Höhe 198 mm, Dicke 15 mm
Gewicht191 g
WarengruppeEnglish Books
KategorieHealth & Body
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Kritiken und Kommentare

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An interesting insight into the life of someone struggeling with depression and anxiety. A very personal & eye-opening book.
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Über die Autorin/den Autor

Neil Shubin is a palaeontologist in the great tradition of his mentors, Ernst Mayr and Stephen Jay Gould. He has discovered fossils around the world that have changed the way we think about many of the key transitions in evolution and has pioneered a new synthesis of expeditionary palaeontology, developmental genetics and genomics. He trained at Columbia, Harvard and Berkeley and is currently Chairman of the Department of Anatomy at the University of Chicago.



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