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Landscape Fire, Smoke, and Health

Landscape Fire, Smoke, and Health

Linking Biomass Burning Emissions to Human Well-Being
eBookPDFDRM AdobeElectronic Book
Verkaufsrang2556inNatural Science (eBook)


A transdisciplinary approach to investigating relationships between biomass burning and human health outcomes

Where and when wildfires occur, what pollutants they emit, how the chemistry of smoke changes in the atmosphere, and what impact this air pollution has on human health and well-being are questions explored across different scientific disciplines.

Landscape Fire, Smoke, and Health: Linking Biomass Burning Emissions to Human Well-Being is designed to create a foundational knowledge base allowing interdisciplinary teams to interact more effectively in addressing the impacts of air pollution from biomass burning on human health.

Volume highlights include:

* Core concepts, principles, and terminology related to smoke and air quality used in different disciplines

* Observational and modeling tools and approaches in fire science

* Methods to sense, model, and map smoke in the atmosphere

* Impacts of biomass burning smoke on the health and well-being of children and adults

* Perspectives from researchers, modelers, and practitioners

* Case studies from different countries

* Information to support decision-making and policy

The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.
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Weitere ISBN/GTIN9781119757016
EinbandElectronic Book
Format HinweisDRM Adobe
Auflage23001 A. 1. Auflage
Seiten304 Seiten
Dateigrösse11736 Kbytes
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Über die Autorin/den Autor

Tatiana V. Loboda, University of Maryland, USA.

Nancy H. F. French, Michigan Technological University, USA.

Robin C. Puett, University of Maryland, USA.

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