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The Dichotomy of Leadership

The Dichotomy of Leadership

Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win (Expanded Edition)


From the #1 New York Times bestselling authors of Extreme Ownership comes a new and revolutionary approach to help leaders recognize and attain the leadership balance crucial to victory.
With their first book, Extreme Ownership (published in October 2015), Jocko Willink and Leif Babin set a new standard for leadership, challenging readers to become better leaders, better followers, and better people, in both their professional and personal lives. Now, in The Dichotomy of Leadership, Jocko and Leif dive even deeper into the uncharted and complex waters of a concept first introduced in Extreme Ownership: finding balance between the opposing forces that pull every leader in different directions. Here, Willink and Babin get granular into the nuances that every successful leader must navigate.
Mastering the Dichotomy of Leadership requires understanding when to lead and when to follow; when to aggressively maneuver and when to pause and let things develop; when to detach and let the team run and when to dive into the details and micromanage. In addition, every leader must:
- Take Extreme Ownership of everything that impacts their mission, yet utilize Decentralize Command by giving ownership to their team.
- Care deeply about their people and their individual success and livelihoods, yet look out for the good of the overall team and above all accomplish the strategic mission.
>With examples from the authors' combat and training experiences in the SEAL teams, and then a demonstration of how each lesson applies to the business world, Willink and Babin clearly explain THE DICHOTOMY OF LEADERSHIP--skills that are mission-critical for any leader and any team to achieve their ultimate goal: VICTORY.
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Seiten336 Seiten
MasseBreite 137 mm, Höhe 210 mm, Dicke 25 mm
Gewicht454 g
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Über die Autorin/den Autor

JOCKO WILLINK was a Navy SEAL for 20 years, rising through the ranks to become commander of Task Unit Bruiser-the most decorated Special Operations unit of the Iraq War. After retiring, Willink continued on the disciplined path of success, co-founding Echelon Front, a premier leadership and management consulting company, writing the #1 New York Times bestsellers Extreme Ownership; Leadership Strategy and Tactics; Discipline Equals Freedom; and The Way of the Warrior Kid children's series. He created and hosts the top-rated podcast, Jocko Podcast, and is also a principal at several highly successful companies, including JOCKO FUEL and Origin USA.



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