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New Directions in Machine Translation

Conference Proceedings, Budapest, Hungary, August 18-19, 1988
eBookPDFElectronic Book
Verkaufsrang9306inLanguage (eBook)


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Weitere ISBN/GTIN9783110874204
EinbandElectronic Book
AuflageReprint 2019
Seiten259 Seiten
WarengruppeeBook English
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Kritiken und Kommentare

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During the course of the story, the anonymous narrator finds three photographs and three notebooks written by Oba Yozo, which trace his decline from a student to a morphine addict.

Throughout the book, he tells the story of his moral, physical, and emotional degradation as well as his descent into the shady world of crime, suicides, prostitutes, alcohol, and morphine. In his writing, Yozo shares all the thoughts, fears, and ideas he hides from the world behind a "clownish mask" of cheeriness and wittiness.

He is deeply alienated from everyone around him, and his daily existence is plagued by the feelings of not belonging, not being able to show others his real self, and not being able to discover his true self, for himself.

"Something impure, dark, reeking of the shady character always hovers above me."
This book hurts. It got me sobbing and crying for hours after I finished it, but it's totally worth it.
Poetry that cuts deep and leaves you speechless.
Amanda Gorman leaves you behind with tears in your eyes and hope in your heart. This speech is beyond important.
Amanda Montell wrote a fascinating book about the language used in cults and cult-like organisations.
Very simply written, which makes it easy to follow this rather complex topic.
The author keeps repeating herself from time to time.
Rupi Kaur zaubert nur mit ein paar Worten eine Geschichte zusammengesetzt aus wunderschönen, tiefgründigen Gedichten, in denen man sich möglicherweise selbst wiederfinden kann.
Über Themen wie Missbrauch und Verrat an Frauen, die der Realität entsprechen und Einen zum weinen bringen.
Für uns tapfere Frauen, die sich nicht von dieser ungerechten Welt bezwingen lassen!
I have always looked up to Audre Lorde. She's spoken up about problems in a time where you would not expect anyone to do so. This book is a collection of her most important speeches and essays. My favorite one might be: "Use of erotic: The erotic as power" speaking of women embracing their sexuality.
Ich freue mich schon auf die deutschsprachige Übersetzung.
It's a lot like Harry Potter (that's also a running gag in the story), but sprinkle in some humour and queerness and there you have it: "Carry On".
A crazy, funny but at the same time sad story about a boy, his love for chickens and the search for his missing sister.

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