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Flash Professional CS5 Bible

Flash Professional CS5 Bible

eBookEPUBDRM AdobeElectronic Book
Verkaufsrang1889inNetworking (eBook)


Feel the full effects of Flash
Adobe Flash is getting flashier with each release, and the new Flash Professional CS5 comes with a slew of new enhancements. Find out what's new, what's better, and how you can get the most out of everything Flash has to offer with this in-depth guide. Apply cool visual effects, create interfaces with ActionScript, add animation, program faster with drop-in code snippets?it's all here and more from top industry Flash trainer, Todd Perkins.

Understand everything Flash is?vector-based animator, video engine, multimedia authoring program, desktop app developer, and more

Master the Flash interface, tools, symbols, and the Library

Integrate Flash content with Web pages

Use Flash movies with JavaScript and DHTML

Create animation, use the Motion Editor, and integrate media files

Create and publish AIR applications

What's on the CD-ROM?

Find source files and examples to accompany the lessons in the book, as well as templates you can use for your own projects. The CD also includes:

Trial software and shareware

Add-ons and plug-ins

System Requirements: Please see Appendix A in the book for details and complete system requirements.

Add interactivity to your applications

Learn new video features, such as adding ActionScript

Layout Framework

Become fluent in the Flash workspace

Create broadcast-quality cartoons

Preview your video in Flash

Weitere Beschreibungen


Weitere ISBN/GTIN9780470888384
EinbandElectronic Book
Format HinweisDRM Adobe
Auflage10001 A. 1. Auflage
Seiten864 Seiten
Dateigrösse16644 Kbytes
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Kritiken und Kommentare

Über die Autorin/den Autor

Todd Perkins is an Adobe Certified Instructor who spends much of his time teaching people how to use Adobe's Web development software. He is a member of the dynamic duo at the All Things Adobe podcast, and he has authored a vast array of video training titles and books.


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