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A day by day documentation


This account of Swissair's day-by-day history will serve as the basis of any future exploration of Switzerland's former national carrier, from its founding right up to the grounding of the fleet and ultimate demise of the company. Documented here is every significant corporate decision, along with previously little-known background information, a comprehensive overview of operational incidents, the airline's route network over seven decades, the countries Swissair served and types of aircraft it operated. In short, this book covers everything that made the legendary airline distinctive, in unprecedented scope. This new standard reference work records in precise detail and in easily comprehensible English both the history of civil aviation in Switzerland and the qualities that Swissair deemed important over its 70 years in existence. Rather than judge or assign blame, this book sticks strictly to the facts and figures that reflect the dedication of Swissair employees - from those in the cockpit and the cabin to those in marketing and technical services, both at home and abroad - to "their" airline, from the very early days right up until the final flight by a Swissair aircraft. In the process, the book injects new life into one of the most exciting chapters in the history of Swiss commerce.
Weitere Beschreibungen


Seiten768 Seiten
MasseBreite 220 mm, Höhe 280 mm, Dicke 63 mm
Gewicht3368 g
WarengruppeSport & Verkehr
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Über die Autorin/den Autor

Peter, FredyFredy Peter, geboren 1950, Luftfahrtexperte, als Stationsleiter jahrzehntelang im Dienste der Swissair vor allem im Mittleren Osten, Korea, Japan, dann als Chief Operation Officer für die Abfertigungsgesellschaft Swissport in Österreich, heute als Duty Manager mit Spezialaufgaben am Flughafen Zürich, wohnt in Wien.

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