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New Headway Pre-intermediate Workbook with Key and iChecker

4th edition
Zugehörige Produkte
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Headway Fourth Edition Pre-Intermediate Workbook practises, revises and reinforces all the language presented in the Student's Book. It comes with the iChecker disc to help students identify areas where they need more study. Pre-intermediate students are able to extend their knowledge of the language, to activate what they have learnt with an emphasis on increased fluency so they can actively participate in conversations and discussions.
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Kritiken und Kommentare

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Dieses Buch ist ideal, um Wörter praxisbezogen und in spannenden Texten integriert zu lernen.
Ich liebe ja aussergewöhnliche Wörter und hier ist mal ein richtiger Fundus!
Oder wissen Sie etwa, was Kurzköpfe sind? Oder haben Sie gar einen Zwangnagel?
Amanda Montell wrote a fascinating book about the language used in cults and cult-like organisations.
Very simply written, which makes it easy to follow this rather complex topic.
The author keeps repeating herself from time to time.
Poetry that cuts deep and leaves you speechless.
A dystopian and tragic story about a humanity that can cure any disease. For this, they need clones. But as dark as this sounds, it isn't a book about revolution or one with a creepy plot. It's more like a mediation and nostalgic story about identity and acceptance.

Über die Autorin/den Autor

John and Liz Soars and Headway are names that have become synonymous with English language teaching and learning worldwide. The authors' strong pedagogic principles, their extensive teaching and teacher-training experience, together with 25 years of writing Headway, all come together in this impressive fourth edition.

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